Only Mr. Pansy

Only Mr. Pansy

Something Pansy Found 2 Lifetimes Ago

Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers, But to be fearless in facing them.
Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain,
But for the heart to conquer it.
Let me not look for allies in life's battlefield,
But to my own strength.
Let me not crave in anxious fear to be saved,
But hope for the patience to win my freedom.
Grant me that I may not be a coward,
Feeling your mercy in my success alone,
But let me find the grasp of your hand in my failure.

Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941)

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Second Up In The Pansy Stories Chronicles/Jogger

ONCE UPON A TIME, but not very long, long ago:

Mr. Pansy and I were bicycle riding the weekend before Halloween 2007 and passed ONCE AGAIN the female jogger of Great Boobage. Mr. Stupid Blind Mole Pansy missed the sight again! So I, of course, have to graphically describe her for him, which was difficult since I only got a fleeting glance at her as it was: She has about 98 pounds of body weight---34% are in her chestial zone. Her overall body is quite slender with femininely defined musculature. Slender thighs that do not touch each other on their inside edges. And they were covered in exercise-induced moisture as well as the somewhat overly damp short shorts she was wearing. The short shorts were, to be more accurate, clinging to her cougar's cameltoe and hip extensors/abductors. I think she would have appreciated someone removing the frontal wedgie she was suffering from. She also was wearing a really large serious subdue-those-puppies sports bra that was inadequate. Huge, round (I said: HUGE, ROUND) mounds are sticking up, out, and above as well as out and below the edges of said overwhelmed sports bra. Huge, round, sweaty mounds. Glistening like dew kissed, genetically engineered cantaloupes, with rivulets of moisture trickling down into the crevasses between the snowy white moguls. And more moisture is slowly gliding down from below the humps sticking out beneath the bottom strap of the sports bra that is screaming in pain from its burdens. There were individually extended nipply pores/ridges visible through the cloth, practically casting shadows of their own. At this point in my narrative, Mr. Pansy said he had a cramp and needed to turn around "right now". But then he gave himself away when he said that while on his way home with the alleged cramp that he hoped to catch a glimpse of "Rivulets". I cut him off at the pass and we continued riding away from the scene of carnality. The cutting was not permanent or disfiguring but he won't be carnalianing anything for awhile. I am not sure he could endure the imagery if I had gotten a REALLY good look at her. She/them was impressive I must say. They did not wiggle around. I will agree that they are not TOO huge but they are definitely NOT a polite size. Mr. Pansy now "always" wants to go for a bike ride. Oh, and OF COURSE she has high maintenance blonde hair and is not unattractive. She did not have on enough makeup to be blatant but I suspect she uses shading and fancy techniques to improve her appearance. At about 5'5" she is a bit too tall to be a true spinner.


Unknown said...

Just casually surfing by, I had to click a consent form to see your blog- I guess somebody must have been flagging you. Anyway, I read a couple of posts and I can't see anything wrong. Keep up the good work.

Pansy Palmetto said...

Mebbe I flagellated, I MEAN...flagged myself in my setup. I'll try to take that speedbump out.